This page contains on-line resources that can help you learn Spanish.
[Disclaimer: I am trying to collect free on-line resources, but I have nothing to do with these sites… and they may have free and paid resources as well. All the links are third party sites. Use at your own risk. Thank you!]
- Spanish grammar.
- Verb drills.
- Verb activities.
- Spanish grammar activities.
- Spanish Grammar Online: Bowdoin
- Spanish vocabulary.
- Thematic vocabulary lists.
- Vocabulary folder (you need to log in with your District account).
Interesting sites:
- Centro Virtual Cervantes: Mi mundo en palabras.
- Ver-taal: Ejercicios de español para extranjeros.
- Wikilengua en español.
- Spanish Proficiency Exercises. UT Austin.
- Songs for Languages.
- Span¡shD!ct.
- SpanishDict (youtube).
- Go Spanish now (youtube channel).
- Duolingo-Spanish.
- Spanish language & culture.
- YouStudySpanish (youtube).
- Rockalingua (youtube, only some videos are free).
- Mindimarisa (youtube, songs for children).
- Recursos en línea para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera (2012).
Special characters (ñ, á, é, í, ó, ú…)
- No tengo Ñ
- How to type Spanish accents and letters
- Accents for the Spanish language on the Chromebook
Spanish for Spanish Speakers (heritage learners):
- Gominolabs. Practica diferentes aspectos de la lengua española.
- AprenderEspañol. Ejercicios de verbos (imprimibles).
- OrientaciónAndújar. Conjugaciones verbales (imprimibles).
- Diez infografías para evitar las faltas ortográficas (AulaPlaneta).